Cate Archer The Fox

Cate Archer The Fox
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Catherine Ann Archer, better known as Cate Archer and The Fox, is a covert operative for British-based counter-terrorism organization UNITY. Before the First H.A.R.M Incident, Archer mainly dealt with minor ignorable assignments. She was not completely satisfied with her career at UNITY, since she thought that there was no real value in her daily work. In September 1967, seven active UNITY field operatives were killed by a mysterious assassin, who always left a red lily upon his victim. This emergency situation forced the organization to call upon Archer to undertake her first major assignment. She went to Morocco, thereby beginning the chain of events which unfold in the first game. By the time the incident was resolved, she had gained the respect of her superiors, and came to be regarded as one of UNITY’s top field agents. Join and access the full “No One Lives Forever” erotic cosplay set with Betsie.


