Skyrim vs Assasin’s Creed

Skyrim vs Assasin’s Creed
4.5 (90%) 2 votes

We love crossplays and we love lesbian crossplay more. One of our all time fav games is Skyrim (yes, yes, we know that Oblivion was better and more RPG, and MOrrowind was the best… but somehow… we just love Skyrim and the mountains.. and the nords… ) Our other fav game lately is Assasin’s Creed Odyssey which is just a bigger and better version of AC Origins, but with a chick as a hero! And we love chicks! Strong chicks! Warrior chicks! yumm! LEt’s enjoy our models as they having fun dressed up as Aela from Skyrim and the wonderful Cassandra from Odyssey!


